Generating values in a loop - mastering the art of creating data points

My goal is to create a variable within a loop:

box-shadow: 835px 1456px #FFF, 1272px 796px #FFF, 574px 1357px #FFF
and so on...

The concept is simple:

box-shadow: x1 y1 #fff, x2 y2 #fff, x3 y3 #fff, x4 y4 #fff ... xn yn #fff.

I attempted to achieve this by doing the following:

@maxPiont: 2000;
@minPoint: 0;

.init() {
    .make-point(`Math.random()`, `Math.random()`, ""); // set initial value - ignore for now
 .make-point(@newX, @newY, @old) {
    .redefine() {
      @X: floor(@newX * (@maxPiont - @minPoint + 1));
      @Y: floor(@newY * (@maxPiont - @minPoint + 1));
      @point: '@{X} @{Y} #fff';

      @allPoints: "@{point},  @{old}"; 
.make-stars(@i) when (@i >0) { // unfortunately, in a loop we are in the same scope all the time and the trick won't work
    .make-point(`Math.random()`, `Math.random()`, @allPoints); 
        box-shadow: @allPoints;
    .make-stars(@i - 1);

.make-stars(1); // <- scope 1
.make-stars(1);   // <- scope 2
.make-stars(1);   // <- scope 3
.make-stars(100);   // <- scope 4
.make-stars(1);   // <- scope 5
.make-stars(1);   // <- scope 6
.make-stars(1);   // <- scope 7

I understand why it's not working within the loop and why it works outside of it (due to scopes and less lazy loading). Is there another way to approach this?

I'm considering creating a variable step by step and adding it. Is this feasible or just a crazy idea?

Answer №1

If you want to aggregate shadow values from multiple properties into a comma separated list, you can utilize the merge function in LessCSS. There is no need to store all shadows into one variable.

Sample Less code:

@min: 1;   // Minimum random number
@max: 100; // Maximum

// Creating a single shadow with random position    
.random-shadow() {
  @x: `Math.floor(Math.random() * (@{max} - @{min}))`;
  @y: `Math.floor(Math.random() * (@{max} - @{min}))`;
  box-shadow+: unit(@x, px) unit(@y, px) #fff;

// Generating @count shadows for the element
.multiple-shadow(@count) when (@count > 0) {
  .multiple-shadow(@count - 1);

a {

Resulting CSS output:

a {
  box-shadow: 79px 81px #fff, 76px 98px #fff, 67px 97px #fff, 44px 25px #fff, 54px 11px #fff;

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