Maintaining Portrait Lock for Viewport in HTML5/CSS3: A Guide

Can the orientation of a mobile device's view port be locked to portrait mode?

I tried searching for a solution on Google, but was unable to find clear instructions on how to achieve this.

Answer №1

Here is a helpful trick that you can try:

    @media screen and (orientation: landscape) {
      html {
        /* Rotate the content container */
        transform: rotate(-90deg);
        transform-origin: left top;
        /* Set content width to viewport height */
        width: 100vh;
        /* Set content height to viewport width */
        height: 100vw;
        overflow-x: hidden;
        position: absolute;
        top: 100%;
        left: 0;

If you want this effect to only show on mobile devices, you can use some Javascript techniques to detect the device type. If it's a mobile device, you can add a class like is-mobile-device and specify in the style definition. You may already be using a framework that automatically adds classes for different device types, which you can utilize.

Keep in mind that this will not actually lock the orientation of the page, but rather just make it appear that way.

Answer №2

In my experience, it is not possible to control screen orientation when accessing a website from a browser. The capability to lock screen orientation lies within the browser itself, such as Safari or Chrome. Your HTML CSS code alone will not be able to achieve this.

However, in the case of building a hybrid mobile app - where you use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and then convert it into a mobile app using a wrapper with a web view inside - it is possible to lock the screen orientation. This requires some specific configurations and may involve converting the code to Objective C or Java at a later stage.

Answer №3

To achieve a locked orientation on an iPhone, CSS can come in handy. Here are a couple of ways to do it:

 @viewport {  
   orientation: portrait;  

You can also use this link to achieve the same result:

<link rel="stylesheet" media="all and (orientation:portrait)" href="portrait.css">

Note that these methods may not work across all browsers. However, they utilize JavaScript to restrict orientation changes and detect screen orientation changes.

To lock the orientation, you can use the following code:


To log the orientation changes, you can add an event listener like this:

screen.addEventListener("orientationchange", function () {
  console.log("The orientation of the screen is: " + screen.orientation);

Answer №4

If you only want to apply this change to the phone, consider using a combination of media queries as shown below. To ensure better accuracy on touch devices, use (pointer: coarse).

  CSS: Targeting most phones 
  812px - for iphone x

@media only screen and (pointer: coarse) and (min-width: 320px) and (max-width: 812px) and (orientation: landscape) {
  html {
    transform: rotate(-90deg);
    transform-origin: left top;
    width: 100vh;
    overflow-x: hidden;
    position: absolute;
    top: 100%;
    left: 0;

Learn more about MDN @media - pointer support here.

Answer №5

To enable this feature, PWA (progressive web app) setup is necessary, but only when the PWA has been "installed" on the homescreen. Browser support for this functionality may vary, but in my experience, it is quite reliable.

Ensure that you specify the "orientation" property in your web-manifest when creating it. You can learn more about this here.

For a comprehensive guide on how to add your PWA to the homescreen, you can refer to this resource here.

Answer №6

When creating media queries for various screen sizes, ensure to specify the orientation property as landscape to consistently display your webpage or CSS design in landscape mode. For example:

@media screen and (orientation: landscape) {
  Your CSS code here.

Answer №7

Using the Screen Orientation API and being in fullscreen mode on a compatible device, it is possible to control screen orientation.

As of October 2023, this feature was supported on Android devices but not on Apple devices.


<button id="btnNullscreen">Fullscreen</button>
<button id="btnLandscape">Landscap</button>
<button id="btnPortrait">Portrait</button>


btnNullscreen.onclick = () => document.body.requestFullscreen().catch((e) => alert(e));
btnLandscape.onclick = () => screen.orientation.lock('landscape').catch((e) => alert(e));
btnPortrait.onclick = () => screen.orientation.lock('portrait').catch((e) => alert(e));

The code snippet is not included here due to sandbox restrictions that limit necessary privileges for demonstration purposes.

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