Modify the background color of the disabled checkbox in Vuetify

Check out this example where I found a disabled checkbox.

Is there a way to set a custom background color for the "on" and "off" states of a disabled checkbox?

Answer №1

Implement a dynamic disabled tag in your code, as shown below:


Next, you can include a dynamic class by following this example:


Utilize a function like the one demonstrated here:

getColourDisabled(disabledValue) {
  if (disabledValue) {
    return "myColourClass1"
  else {
    return "myColourClass2"

Apply CSS classes such as:

.myColourClass2 {
  background-color: #dedede !important;

Answer №2

The color theme of the checkbox icon is determined by this particular style:

.v-icon {
  color: rgba(0,0,0,.26) !important;

If you want to customize all checkboxes, simply duplicate that selector and set your own color using !important to overwrite the default theme:

.v-icon {
  color: rgba(128,5,5,.3) !important;

To specifically customize the unchecked disabled box (the "off disabled" state), include the selector for the icon name .mdi-checkbox-blank-outline:

.v-icon.mdi-checkbox-blank-outline {
  color: rgba(20,128,100,0.4) !important;

Check out the demo here

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