Why does a React error keep popping up when trying to set a background-image in my CSS?

I've been working on my React project and I can't figure out why I keep encountering this error. I double-checked the URL paths and made sure they were named correctly, yet the error persists.

Here is a snippet of my CSS:

  background-image: url("../assets/img/header-bg.jpg");

And here's another image:

  background-image: url("../assets/img/map-image.png");

This is the error message I'm seeing:

If the image doesn't display, I receive this error:

Error: Can't resolve '../assets/img/header-bg.jpg' in 'C:\Users\bryan\start-bootstrap\src\assets\css'

The pathway for my images and CSS files is as follows:

src > assets > img > header-bg.jpg,map-image.png

In addition, my assets folder contains a CSS folder with my styles, which includes Bootstrap:

src > assets > css > style.css

Answer №1

The reason your code isn't functioning correctly is most likely due to the Node.js module searching for /assets/assets/img/map-image.png (it's looking from CSS). To resolve this issue, simply delete the /assets portion of the property.

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