Struggling with Responsive Design Challenges with Grid Material UI?

Encountering an issue while using the Grid Component in my React JS Project. Let's delve into some code and then I'll explain what I aim to achieve with images:

Assuming this is the rendered code:

 <div style="margin:100px 20%; width:80%" >
     <Grid container>
         <Grid item xs={6}>
               contentLeft="Something displayed in the left"
               contentRight="Something displayed in the right"
         <Grid item xs={6}>
               contentLeft="Something displayed in the left"
               contentRight="Something displayed in the right"

Imagine it looks like this (with My Grids in Red and the big div in black):

Upon resizing the window to a smaller size, the appearance changes as shown here:

I suspect the issue lies within my custom Element due to its CSS styling. However, I am unsure how to adjust the Grid attributes so that 'xs' changes from 6 to 12 at a certain point.

Is there a way to achieve this? If not, are there any alternative solutions?

Any assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Deciding the size to break from 6 to 12 depends on your preference, but it's a straightforward process of inputting the appropriate prop values:

<Grid item xs={12} sm={6}>

For further details, make sure to check out the complete use case here:

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