Utilizing Bootstrap to arrange table cells in a shifted manner

I'm new to utilizing bootstrap in web development. I've been exploring various examples of bootstrap templates that include tables, and I noticed that when I resize my browser window, the table adjusts accordingly. Now, I'm curious to know if there's a way to shift cells from one row to another within the table. To clarify further:

If I have my browser open in a large window, I see my table with one row and 5 columns, like this:


Then, as I resize the browser, I'd like the table to appear as follows:


And continue to adjust like so:


Even smaller...


Is this achievable or am I just wishful thinking?

I specifically mentioned using bootstrap for this, but I'm open to any alternative solutions as well!

Answer №1

If you're looking to customize your layout, I recommend utilizing divs for more flexibility in design. You can easily grasp the concept of grid systems by referring to this resource: http://getbootstrap.com/css/#grid-example-mixed

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