How can the color of the <md-toolbar> be customized?

Here is a glimpse of how my code appears on CodePen:

I am aiming to have the background color of "Sidenav Left" match that of "Menu Items", which is designated by the class

.nav-theme {
  background-color: #34495E

I attempted to override it like this

.nav-theme, .md-theme-indigo {
  background-color: #34495E

yet it did not yield the desired result. What steps should I take next?

Answer №1

To ensure your CSS selection overrides correctly, provide more specific details. By using selectors like the ones shown below with higher specificity levels, you can prioritize them over the default background color that was previously unable to be overridden. This approach allows you to avoid resorting to using !important

.md-sidenav-left .md-theme-indigo, .md-sidenav-left .nav-theme {
    background-color: #34495e;

Check out the CodePen Demo for reference!

Answer №2

If you want to set a color from your color palette and have it change automatically with a different theme, you can utilize the md-colors directive.

<md-toolbar md-colors="::{background: '{{theme}}-primary-700'}"

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