When the JavaFX ComboBox drop-down opens in an upwards direction, the border appears incorrectly

While working with Java 8, I encountered an issue with the "javafx.scene.control.ComboBox" where if it doesn't have enough room below, it pops up instead. Strangely, the border styling of the elements still behaves as if it should pop down.

Is there a way to access and adjust the styling for this specific situation?

Answer №1

To resolve this issue, I took the approach of extending the ComboBoxListViewSkin. Within this extension, I implemented a method that is responsible for updating the styling. This method works by first invoking super.getPopup() to retrieve the AnchorY value, which is then compared to the Y value of the combo-box. Based on whether the popup is positioned above or below the combo-box, the appropriate styling is applied to super.getListView...

Furthermore, it is crucial that this method is called during the "ON_SHOWN" event of the combo-box.

I experimented with various alternatives, but unfortunately, they all resulted in unpredictable behavior.

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