Personalized AWS Cognito: Strategies for Tailoring Input Field Designs


Within my Vue application, I am utilizing the AWS authenticator for managing login and signup processes. However, customizing its style has proven to be difficult due to the structure being built with shadow DOM elements.


Currently, I have been able to make some modifications to certain Amplify variables.

This is the code snippet showcasing what changes I've made so far:

:root {
  --amplify-background-color: transparent;
  --amplify-secondary-color: white;
  --amplify-primary-contrast: white;
  --amplify-primary-color: #E00C1D;

It is worth noting that targeting amplify-sign-in instead of :root would only impact the login form specifically, whereas styling the :root affects both login and signup forms.


Here lies my current roadblock. The text color within the input field is determined by the --amplify-secondary-color variable, which in my case needs to be set to white. However, this results in the text not being visible against a white background.

The HTML structure of amplify-sign-in shows the input element nested within amplify-input.

The style for the .input class controls the color through the --color variable.

Referencing the --color variable, it pertains to:


Despite multiple attempts, none have yielded successful outcomes. I have experimented with targeting the .input class, the input element, the amplify-input, and adjusting the --color variable.

Below are examples of some failed attempts:

:host {
  --color: red !important;

:host(.input) {
  color: red !important;
  --color: red !important;

amplify-input {
  --color: red !important;

  & .input {
    color:red !important;
    --color: red !important;


To explore further options for CSS customization, refer to the official documentation, although it may be lacking in detailed guidance.


An efficient way to experiment and test different solutions within Vue is by setting up a sample project from the amplify-js-samples repository:


In conclusion, I am seeking advice on how to successfully modify the input text styling within the AWS authenticator component.

Answer №1

Consider upgrading to the newest release of Amplify UI for Vue.

There is fresh documentation available for customizing styles here

You can also find a page dedicated to showcasing all CSS variables at this link

The latest version includes more detailed CSS classes like:

  • --amplify-colors-font-primary
  • --amplify-colors-font-interactive
  • --amplify-colors-font-active
  • --amplify-colors-font-focus

Answer №2

Consider implementing the following SCSS code snippet:

amplify-sign-in /deep/ {
    amplify-input {
        > input.input {
            color : blue !important;

Answer №3

If you are utilizing SCSS, you can achieve this in the following way:

::v-deep amplify-input input[type='email'] { //you can specify this further
  color: red !important;

Using !important is acceptable in this case since it involves overriding a third-party style.
You can also maintain your

<style lang="scss" scoped>
like this.

Refer to the official Vue loader documentation for more information:

For further insights, check out this post which serves as an excellent point of reference:

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