Choose from the options provided to display the table on the screen

One of the challenges I am facing involves a table with two columns and a select option dropdown box. Each row in the table is associated with a color - green indicates good, red indicates bad, and so on. My goal is to have all values displayed when the page loads, but once a user selects an option from the dropdown, only that selected value will remain visible while others disappear.

This is my current JavaScript implementation:

 function select_mem() {
        if ($("select[name='status-type']").val() == "all") {


  if ($("select[name='status-type']").val() == "good") {


 if ($("select[name='status-type']").val() == "bad") {


  if ($("select[name='status-type']").val() == "not-working") {


 if ($("select[name='status-type']").val() == "not") {


 if ($("select[name='status-type']").val() == "blue") {




This is how I have structured the HTML:

    <section class="filter">

        <p>Filter your search: <select id ="options" name="status-type" onChange="select_num()">
            <option id="all" value="all">All Numbers</option>
            <option id="good" value="good">Good Numbers</option>
            <option id="bad" value="bad">Bad Numbers</option>
            <option id="not-working" value="not-working">Not Working Numbers</option>
            <option id="not" value="not">Non Numbers</option>


    <!-- Valid Numbers -->


// Table rows with corresponding classes for different statuses


The code can be accessed on jsFiddle via this link:

I'm exploring the use of jQuery for this functionality, but would appreciate any suggestions for achieving the same outcome using pure JavaScript. Thank you in advance for any guidance provided!

Answer №1

If you find yourself writing repetitive code, you can simplify it like this:

let $rows = $('tbody tr'); // store all table rows in a variable

    let val = $(this).val();  // get the current value
    if( val == 'all'){
       // hide all rows then show ones that match the selected filter
       $rows.hide().filter('.num-' + val).show();

Check out the DEMO

Answer №2

If you want to update a CSS selector, consider changing $("select[name='status-type']") to

. Subsequently, replace .val() with .value in vanilla JavaScript.

To show or hide elements, you can utilize myElement.hidden = false to display an element or myElement.hidden = true to hide it. Alternatively, adding a class using

(similar to jQuery's myElement.addClass()) and removing it with classList.remove() are also effective methods.

For further insights into vanilla DOM manipulation techniques, check out the resources available on the Mozilla Developer Network.

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