jquery sequential fade effect

I am trying to make each div fade in one by one.

Visit this link for reference

<div id="w">

<div class="one"></div>

    <div class="two"></div>

    <div class="three"></div>


$(function() {
$('#w').each(function(i) {
$(this).delay((i++) * 500).fadeTo(1000, 1); });

I'm facing difficulties with getting this script to work as intended. I wonder if I should use css() instead of fadeTo(). Any advice?

Answer №1

To achieve the fade effect, make sure to include opacity: 0; in the styling of your div.

You can check out an example on JSFiddle

Answer №2

Make sure to adjust the value passed into fadeTo correctly. Remember, a value of 1 is fully visible while 0 is invisible. Changing the parameter to 0 should solve the issue.

$(this).delay((i++) * 500).fadeTo(1000, 0); })

Check out the Fiddle Demo for more details

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