Resolving CSS glitches that mysteriously vanish in Internet Explorer versions 8 and 9

My website was created using WordPress, with various plugins added to enhance its functionality. However, I have encountered an issue when viewing the site in Internet Explorer 8 & 9. The visual effects of the plugins seem to lose all CSS styling in IE browsers. Forms and other visual elements are affected by this problem. Despite confirming that the plugins are compatible with IE and up-to-date, I am still facing these challenges. Although I am not a professional web designer, I am eager to learn how to resolve this issue. Any guidance on troubleshooting this problem would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. The website is running on the latest version of WordPress. You can access it here:

Answer №1

Perhaps the culprit behind the issue lies with one of the plugins. Have you experimented with deactivating all plugins and then reactivating them individually, observing any changes in styles specifically in Internet Explorer after enabling each plugin? This method could assist in pinpointing whether a plugin conflict is at the root of the problem.

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