Problem regarding the widths of HTML <table> elements

I am working with a <table> that has 3 columns structured as follows:

table {
  border: 1px dashed goldenrod;
td {
  border: 1px solid gray;
    <td width="120">Some content</td>
    <td width="150">Some content</td>
    <td width="100%">Some content</td>

Although the 3rd column is set to occupy the remaining width, it seems to compress the first 2 columns in my case...

If I do not specify a width for the 3rd column/td, I can see the specified widths for the first 2 columns...

I would appreciate any help or advice on this issue.

Note: The table has already been set with width="100%"

Answer №1

Keep the final column width unassigned, and adjust table width to 100% or your preferred width for the table layout.

Answer №3

My advice would be to choose between percentages and pixels when determining column widths, as mixing the two can lead to compatibility problems across different browsers.

Pick either % or pixels for consistency, and consider leaving the third column width unspecified.

Answer №4

When setting the width of the third td to 100%, it means that it will match the width of its parent element, which is the corresponding tr. This causes the first and second td elements to be compressed as the third one attempts to take up the entire row width.

If there is no content in the first two td elements, they will not be visible. The browser allocates minimal space to them when there is some content present, with the majority of the width taken by the third td.

You can view a demonstration on jsfiddle showing the result of setting the width of the last td to 50%. It occupies exactly half of the row width. See the demo here.

To address this issue, specify percentage widths for the first two td elements, while leaving the third one's width unspecified. View a demo illustrating this approach here.

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