The table contained within a row-spanning cell fails to fully occupy the cell's height across different browsers

Chrome rendering and code issue

I'm struggling to understand why the nested table (highlighted in red) is not taking up the full height of the outer table cell (highlighted in green) which spans 8 rows. This used to work fine, but newer browsers are causing issues with the nested table not expanding to full height. Interestingly, IE11 with compatibility view still displays it correctly. What adjustments should I make to the code? Adding height="100%" to the table element doesn't solve the problem.


      <td class="NameColumnCaption" valign="top" bgcolor="#c0c0c0" style="height: 19px;">11:00</td>
      <td class="weekdetails" bgcolor="#f0f0f0" rowspan="8" colspan="10" style="cursor:pointer" ondblclick="modifyMeeting(&quot;212&amp;dispUser=Janice%20Elland&amp;globObjID=&quot;, 9);" onclick="detailview(&quot;oneweek.asp?Q=Janice%20Elland&amp;D=-4&quot;);hN(33);" onmousemove="sN(33)" onmouseout="hN(33)">
        <table class="tdnor" width="100%" id="tbl" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" bgcolor="white">
              <td width="5" bgcolor="#99ccff" style="height: 19px;"><img src="b1.gif" width="2px" height="10px" border="0"></td>
              <td class="WeekDetails" valign="top" style="height: 19px;">
                <font color="#0000cc">11:15-15:15</font><br>
                <font color="#000000">Supplier Meeting</font> (Lancashire) Janice Elland<br>
                <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"></table>
      <td valign="top" class="WeekDetails" bgcolor="#f0f0f0" colspan="10" onmousemove="sN(0)" onmouseout="hN(0)" onclick="Meeting2(&quot;&amp;D=-2&quot;,&quot;11&quot;,&quot;Janice%20Elland&quot;);" style="height: 19px;"></td>
      <td valign="top" class="WeekDetails" bgcolor="#f0f0f0" colspan="10" onmousemove="sN(0)" onmouseout="hN(0)" onclick="Meeting2(&quot;&amp;D=-1&quot;,&quot;11&quot;,&quot;Janice%20Elland&quot;);" style="height: 19px;"></td>
      <td valign="top" class="WeekDetails" bgcolor="#95cc68" colspan="10" onmousemove="sN(0)" onmouseout="hN(0)" onclick="Meeting2(&quot;&amp;D=0&quot;,&quot;11&quot;,&quot;Janice%20Elland&quot;);" style="height: 19px;"></td>
      <td class="NameColumnCaption" valign="top" bgcolor="#c0c0c0" style="height: 19px;">11:00</td>

Attempted fix by adding a div and setting table-layout: fixed: screenshot

      <td class="NameColumnCaption" valign="top" bgcolor="#c0c0c0" style="height: 19px;">11:00</td>
      <td class="weekdetails" bgcolor="#f0f0f0" rowspan="8" colspan="10" style="cursor:pointer" ondblclick="modifyMeeting(&quot;212&amp;dispUser=Janice%20Elland&amp;globObjID=&quot;, 9);" onclick="detailview(&quot;oneweek.asp?Q=Janice%20Elland&amp;D=-5&quot;);hN(33);" onmousemove="sN(33)" onmouseout="hN(33)">
        <div style="height: 100%; min-height: 70px;">
          <table width="100%" id="tbl" cellspacing="0" style="table-layout: fixed;border:1px solid #404040;" cellpadding="3" bgcolor="white">
                <td width="5" bgcolor="#99ccff" style="height: 19px;"><img src="b1.gif" width="2px" height="10px" border="0"></td>
                <td class="WeekDetails" valign="top" style="height: 19px;">
                  <font color="#0000cc">11:15-15:15</font><br>
                  <font color="#000000">Supplier Meeting</font> (Lancashire) Janice Elland<br>
                  <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"></table>
      <td valign="top" class="WeekDetails" bgcolor="#f0f0f0" colspan="10" onmousemove="sN(0)" onmouseout="hN(0)" onclick="Meeting2(&quot;&amp;D=-3&quot;,&quot;11&quot;,&quot;Janice%20Elland&quot;);" style="height: 19px;"></td>
      <td valign="top" class="WeekDetails" bgcolor="#f0f0f0" colspan="10" onmousemove="sN(0)" onmouseout="hN(0)" onclick="Meeting2(&quot;&amp;D=-2&quot;,&quot;11&quot;,&quot;Janice%20Elland&quot;);" style="height: 19px;"></td>
      <td valign="top" class="WeekDetails" bgcolor="#f0f0f0" colspan="10" onmousemove="sN(0)" onmouseout="hN(0)" onclick="Meeting2(&quot;&amp;D=-1&quot;,&quot;11&quot;,&quot;Janice%20Elland&quot;);" style="height: 19px;"></td>
      <td class="NameColumnCaption" valign="top" bgcolor="#c0c0c0" style="height: 19px;">11:00</td>

Answer №1

Latest Update

To address the issue of nested tables not expanding to full height, I created a new table to demonstrate the problem clearly. The original fiddle provided by OP was too cluttered, but it highlighted the underlying issue. In cases where a td with rowspan="8" only contains a table that is 2 rows high instead of 8, adjustments need to be made.

Key points to remember:

(In this example, the .parent refers to the td holding the nested table.)

  • Add min-height: 100% and min-width: 100%; to the .parent element.
  • Comment out subsequent td elements under the .parent up to its total rowspan - 1.
    • For instance, with
      <td class="parent" rowspan="5"...>
    • If .parent occupies first column / third row, comment out the next 4 td in succession:
      1. first column / forth row
      2. first column / fifth row
      3. first column / sixth row
      4. first column / seventh row
  • When constructing the nested table:
    • Create as many <tr>s as specified by .parent's rowspan
    • Allocate an equal number of columns for each <tr>
    • Omit using tbody

The demo includes comments indicating the necessary adjustments to achieve the desired outcome. It's important to fine-tune certain attributes such as padding and width accordingly.

Check out the demonstration here

Initial Update

If dealing with a nested table situation, consider the following:

<table style="table-layout: fixed; display: inline-table"....>

Opt for either:

  • Using a .css file or <style> block
    • Include table {table-layout: fixed;}


  • Inline styling
    • <table style="table-layout: fixed; ....>

In some cases, inserting a div inside a cell with increased height can help expand the table vertically.

 <div style="height: 100%; min-height: 70px;">
      "Cell Content"

If modifying HTML dynamically is challenging due to code generation, there are ways to programmatically adjust elements after loading. Feel free to seek assistance if needed.

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