Having trouble displaying a local image in CSS using EJS

Hey there, I'm currently working with EJS. In my CSS file, I've added a background image but it's not showing up when the page loads. Strangely, if I use a hosted image, it works perfectly.

Here is my directory structure:


style.css file:

.bgimg-1 {
    background: url('../img/cab.jpg');
    height: 100%;

index.html code snippet:

<link rel='stylesheet' href='../public/css/style.css' type="text/css">
<div class="bgimg-1">
    <div class="caption">
         <span class="border"><a href="/api/login">LOGIN</a></span>

app.js setup:

app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname + '/public')));

Answer №1

Opt for background-image over background

  .bgimg-1 {
       background-image: url('../img/cab.jpg');
        height: 100%;

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