Calculation operations nested within each other

Looking for a solution here. I am trying to utilize the CSS calc operation to carry out two calculations:

I aim to make my width equal to

(100% / 7) - 2

But whenever I attempt multiple operations in a CSS calc function, it doesn't work:

width: calc((100% / 7) - 2);

Any tips on executing multiple calc operations within one CSS statement?

Answer №1

It seems that you must designate either px or % for every number that is not part of a multiplication or division operation.

width: calc((100% / 7) - 2px);

Now I realize my mistake. Haha.

Answer №2

It has been pointed out by David that the calc function in CSS requires a unit such as px or % to function properly. You can use multiple calculations in one statement, like this:

width: calc((100% / 7) - 2px);

For those seeking clarification on this topic, it is important to note that calc can accept any unit, not just px and %. This includes em, rem, vh, vw, vmin, vmax, etc. Calc will resolve into a value that can be used normally, so just like you wouldn't set width: 100;, you should also ensure the result of calc is not unitless.

While using units on both sides when dividing or multiplying might seem unnecessary, at least one of the numbers must have a unit specified for the browser to understand how to interpret the result.

/* These examples are incorrect */
width: calc(75 + 25);
width: calc(4 * 20);
width: 100;

/* These are the correct format expected by the browser */
width: calc(75px + 25px);
width: calc(20px * 4);
width: 100px;

Answer №3

When I was struggling with headaches trying to accomplish that task, I discovered a helpful alternative. Instead of cramming everything into a single line of code, you can harness the power of pure CSS variables with var(). This not only solves the problem but also enhances readability! Take a look at this snippet where I applied this technique:

#wrapper .leftside .week .superior {
    --wholeWidth: calc(157px * 3);
    --remaining: calc(100% - var(--wholeWidth));
    margin: 0 calc(var(--remaining) / 6);

I stumbled upon this gem while exploring the "Nested calc() with CSS Variables" section in the MDN documentation.

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