How to Develop Screen-Reader-Friendly Ordered Lists using HTML5 and CSS?

Ensuring accessibility is a top priority for the project I'm currently working on. One aspect that is frequently discussed is how to mark up parts of an ordered list appropriately.

I have created a jsfiddle demo showcasing referencing an ordered list with CSS Counters, but I am unsure about its accessibility. My own research has yielded mixed results.

I would like to utilize the HTML5 feature, with the decimal aspect being crucial.

If I were to use screen-reader only tags (e.g.,

<li><span class="sr-only">3.5<span> ... </li>
), it is possible that the numbers will be read twice. However, I am also concerned that they may not be read at all...

Is there a recommended best practice for addressing this challenge?

Answer №1

After conducting tests with NVDA in Firefox on your jsfiddle, I found that every list item was read as expected. I also recommend testing with other screen-reader software, as interpretations can vary greatly.

According to MDN, browser support for counter CSS dates back to IE8:

In case only certain screenreaders are detecting it, consider using the start attribute as a backup option.

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