Adjust the header image as you scroll

Currently, I have a static image in the header of the page. I'm looking to have the image change to a different one when half the page has been scrolled.

Do I need to utilize JavaScript for this functionality or is it achievable with CSS alone?

body {
.header_nav {
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: center center;

img {
  width: 150px;
  display: block;
  margin: 0 auto;
<div class="header_nav"><img src=""></div>

Answer №1

To change the image precisely, you can utilize the scrollTop() method.

$(function () { 
    $(window).scroll(function () {
        if ($(this).scrollTop() > 600) { 
            $('.header_nav img').attr('src','');
        if ($(this).scrollTop() < 600) { 
            $('.header_nav img').attr('src','');
body {
.header_nav {
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: center center;

img {
  width: 150px;
  display: block;
  margin: 0 auto;
<script src=""></script>

<div class="header_nav"><img src=""></div>

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