Executing Javascript code from a specified web address

Let's say I have an image that needs to be shifted vertically, and I achieve it using the following code snippet:

document.getElementById('ImgID1').style.verticalAlign = 

However, the value by which I need to shift the image is provided through a URL (the URL is given below for reference), where if I were to run the contents of the URL as JavaScript, the output would be "-8px", which is exactly what I need. But how can I implement this? How do I express

verticalAlign={retrieve the URL content, execute as JS, extract the returned value}

The specific URL in question is http://latex.codecogs.com/gif.json?\inline%20\mathbb{R}

Here is a sample response that may shed some light on how to approach this:

ParseEqn({ "latex": { "type":"gif", "equation":"\\mathbb{R}", "site":"stackoverflow.com", "file":"f3ed131812d10a06a9349ab2b42e3ed4.gif", "url":"http://www.codecogs.com/eq/f3/f3ed131812d10a06a9349ab2b42e3ed4.gif", "width":"12", "height":"12", "baseline":"1" } });

Your insights would be greatly appreciated!


Answer №1

Check out the code snippet below to receive a response from the server. Make sure to open the console to confirm.


window.ParseEqn = function(data) {

    url: 'http://latex.codecogs.com/gif.json?%5Cinline%20%5Cmathbb%7BR%7D',
    crossDomain: true,

    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
    dataType: 'jsonp',
    headers: {"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": '*'

Using pure JavaScript: suggested solution by Blue skies

window.ParseEqn = function(data) {

var s = document.createElement("script")
s.src = "http://latex.codecogs.com/gif.json?%5Cinline%20%5Cmathbb%7BR%7D";
s.onload = function() {

Answer №2

If you want to fetch a JSON file using AJAX, you can do that by following these steps:

$.getJSON('gif.json', function(data) {

However, keep in mind that simply specifying the URL in the function may not automatically trigger the download and processing.

var image = document.createElement("IMG")

Add the image to your webpage like this:

    $.getJSON('<a href="http://latex.codecogs.com/gif.json" rel="nofollow">http://latex.codecogs.com/gif.json</a>?\inline%20\mathbb{R}', function(data) {
          var items = [];
      $.each(data, function(key, val) {
        else if (key="width")
        else if (key="heigth")
    document.getElementById("yourdive's case").appendChild(image);

Hopefully, this is what you were looking for!

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