ToggleClass is not being applied to every single div

I am currently designing a pricing table with hover effects. You can view the progress here:

Upon hovering on a pricing table, all the divs are toggling classes which is not the desired behavior. I want each element to have its own separate interaction.

Here is the jQuery code I have implemented:


The CSS adjustments are just to modify the current colors:

    .package .price-hover {
        background: #008ed6;

    .package .white-hover {
        color: #fff;

I have attempted using $(this), but it does not produce the desired effect.

Answer №1

$('.product').on('mouseover', function(){

Answer №2

There is no need to complicate things by adding JavaScript when this can be easily accomplished with CSS alone.

.product:hover .price-container{
    background: #008ed6;

Answer №3

If you want to iterate through each element using jQuery, you can utilize the `each()` function:

$('package').each(function() {
  var currentElement = this;
  $(this).hover(function() {

Answer №4

  • To ensure that only the classes for elements within the currently hovered over .package are changed, make use of the find function. Otherwise, classes will be modified for all related elements.
  • Additionally, the hover event consists of 2 functions: one is triggered when the mouse enters the hover area, and the other activates when the cursor exits the hover area. As per how you're managing the hover event, it toggles the classes twice - once on hover in and once on hover out, ultimately restoring it to its original state.

Experiment with this code:

 }, function(){

Answer №5

$(".package").on("mouseover", function() {
    let $this = $(this);

@Spartak Lalaj According to the jQuery documentation, starting from version 1.4, the .hover() method can have just one parameter. For more information, visit

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