Adjust the width of the table's td elements

I am looking to create a table similar to the one shown above.

Here is my implementation. Please review my JSFiddle.


<table border="0" id="cssTable">
        <td><a href="self">04-Milwaukee</a></td>
        <td><a href="self">04-Milwaukee</a></td>
        <td><a href="self">04-Milwaukee edh walkohnykuohbnbd</a></td>



How can I achieve a layout like the screenshot provided? I want to ensure equal spacing and fixed width for each table cell content.

Answer №1

Check out this example.

To target a particular column, you can utilize the css selector :nth-child().

#cssTable td {
    padding: 5px 15px;

#cssTable td:nth-child(2) {
    width: 100px;

Answer №2

To create different spacing for each td element, you can utilize the nth-child selector:

#cssTable tr td:nth-child(1){width: 100px; padding-right: 10px;}
#cssTable tr td:nth-child(2){width: 300px; padding-right: 10px;}
#cssTable tr td:nth-child(3){width: 50px; padding-right: 10px;}
#cssTable tr td:nth-child(4){width: 100px; padding-right: 10px;}
#cssTable tr td:nth-child(5){width: 50px;}

In case your table expands, you have the option to adjust the padding-right for all columns and set it to 0 for the last-child.

Answer №3

Give this a shot

Apply some CSS styling to the table's td elements.

table td {
    width: 60px;
    overflow: hidden;
    display: inline-block;
    white-space: nowrap;

Alternatively, you can create a class and give it a name.

<td class="special_column">...</td>

Answer №4

If you want to streamline your HTML code, consider utilizing the <colgroup> and <col> elements. This will eliminate the need to assign individual classes to each <td>.

<table border="0" id="cssTable">
        <col width="100px" />
        <col width="100px" />
        <col width="50px" />
        <col width="75px" />
        <col width="50px" />

For more information, take a look at the updated Fiddle.

Answer №5

To apply padding in your css, simply insert the following code:

#cssTable td
 padding:0 20px;

This will add padding to both the left and right sides. Here is a live example on jsfiddle.

Answer №6

How about this approach? (modified based on @Grey 's initial code)

#customTable td {
    padding: 0px 10px;

#customTable a {

#customTable td:nth-child(1) {
#customTable td:nth-child(2) {
#customTable td:nth-child(3),#customTable td:nth-child(5) {
#customTable td:nth-child(4) {

In order to ensure consistency, specify a fixed width for each td in a row. For the rest, replicate the widths of the specified columns. You may assign a unique Class to each cell based on its column position. You could also utilize percentage-based widths to enhance your display on larger screens with higher resolutions.

Answer №7

One issue at hand is that the table does not enforce the specified width for td elements until you apply

table { table-layout: fixed; }

and create a first row of the table with

td { height: 0; }

and define the width for each td in this row.

Alternatively, you can also use <col>, but it may not be effective in certain browsers as td works universally.

This type of query has been raised numerous times across various platforms, like here.

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