Apply a specific style conditionally using Angular's ng-repeat directive

Currently, I am utilizing ng-repeat to iterate through a list of divs and manually adding items to the JSON that is rendering these divs. My goal is to position the last div that I add in the JSON at the location where the mouse cursor is, while keeping the rest of the divs in their original positions without specifying the position in the JSON itself.

My initial approach involved something like this:

<div ng-repeat="contact in jsonContacts" style="left: {{lastX}}px; top: {{lastY}}px;"></div>

However, implementing this resulted in all the divs having the same position. Therefore, I need to create a conditional statement using the $last variable to dynamically apply or remove the style tag with the left and top CSS properties.

Thank you for your assistance, Daniel!

Answer №1

After analyzing your HTML, the following code snippet is recommended

<div ng-repeat='contact in jsonContacts' ng-style='{"left":($last?lastX:null)+"px","top":($last?lastY:null)+"px"}'>{{item}}</div>

You can check out this fiddle for confirmation

Answer №2

Check out this fiddle to see examples of both methods (using color as position is more challenging in jsfiddle)

Approach 1: Utilizing ng-style and a Scope Function

With ng-style, you can achieve this effect. To maintain cleanliness and testability, it's recommended to define a scope function like the one below (ternary operators are currently not supported in angular expressions for stable versions of angular 1.0.x, though ternary support has been added in 1.1.5).


In the controller, define:

$scope.myStyleFunction = function($last) {
  return {
    'left': $last ? $scope.lastX + 'px' : '',
    'top': $last ? $scope.lastY + 'px' : ''

Approach 2: Creating Custom Directives

Alternatively, you can take a more "angular" approach by defining a directive:

dirModule.directive('positionLast', function() {
    return {
        scope: true,
        link: function (scope, $element, attrs) {
            if (scope.$last) {
              // If jQuery is available, use this. Otherwise, adjust accordingly
              $element.css("left", $scope.lastX + 'px');
              $element.css("top", $scope.lastY + 'px');

and then:

<div ng-repeat="contact in jsonContacts" position-last> ...

EDIT This method works by using scope: true and declaring the directive on the ng-repeat element. Since only one new scope is created for all directives on an element (assuming at least one requests a new scope), it gains access to the ng-repeat scope values. Refer to the following documentation for more details:

scope - If set to true, a new scope will be created for this directive. If multiple directives on the same element request a new scope, only one new scope is created.

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