Increase the padding on the left side of a background image

UPDATE: Solution discovered at this link thanks to Mr. Alien

I am attempting to create a heading that resembles the following

Title -------------------------------------------------

I have an image that I intend to use as a backdrop for it.

However, I'm having trouble positioning it so it doesn't clash with the text like it currently does.

It currently looks like this



<div class="content-header"><p>Check Out</p></div>


.content-header {
width: 90%;
background: url(../images/bulletbg.png) repeat-x center;
margin-top: 10px;
    p {
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;

Answer №1

It is crucial to ensure that your title stands out effectively.

<h1 style="width: auto">Stand Out Title</h1><div class="custombackgroundimage"></div>

By applying this approach, you can prevent your title from being overshadowed.

Answer №2

To achieve the desired layout, consider separating your header and background elements into individual div containers. Next, apply CSS styling to these divs using either "display:inline" or "display:inline-block" based on your specific design requirements.

Answer №4

To adjust the starting position of a background, consider utilizing the background-position property. By default, backgrounds start from the top left corner, but with this code, you can customize the starting point to your liking. There are various ways to use it:

background-position: 20% 0; 


background-position: 10px 0; 

Experiment with different values until you achieve the desired outcome.

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