Does the media query max-width refer to the size of the viewport or the size of the window?

Can someone clarify whether the max-width in a media query is based on the viewport size or window size?

For instance, consider this media query:

@media screen and (max-width: 360px){}

Would this media query be activated when the viewport reaches 360px or when the window itself is 360px in size?

Answer №1

It's all about the viewport, as mentioned in the specification:

The ‘width’ media feature refers to the width of the targeted display area on the output device. In the case of continuous media, this is essentially the width of the viewport (as defined by CSS2, section 9.1.1 [CSS21]), taking into account the size of any visible scroll bar.

This concept also extends to sub-viewports contained within the main browser viewport, like those found in framesets and iframes. Therefore, if an iframe has a width of 360px or less, your media query will still be applied within that specific iframe.

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