Issue with zeroLineColor and zeroLineWidth not functioning properly for the x-axis within Chartjs

Looking to customize the width and color of the x-axis in Chartjs? While it's straightforward for the y-axis using zeroLineColor and zeroLineWidth, achieving the same effect for the x-axis seems trickier.

If you try adding:

ticks: {
  beginAtZero: true

The x-axis might change as desired, but this also sets the vertical ticks to start from 0 which is not ideal.

Is there a way to isolate these changes?

scales: {
        xAxes: [{
          gridLines: {
            zeroLineColor: 'black', // EFFECTIVE
            zeroLineWidth: 2 // EFFECTIVE
          display: true
        yAxes: [{
          gridLines: {
            zeroLineColor: 'black', // NOT WORKING
            zeroLineWidth: 2, // NOT WORKING
          id: 'y-axis-0',
          display: true,
          ticks: {
            // beginAtZero: true // prefer not to use this

The current code setup yields the following outcome:

Although the y-axis settings are taking effect, the x-axis remains unchanged in terms of color and width.

This issue has been observed on version 2.9.4 of the Chartjs library.

Answer №1

To locate the code in the library's .js file (for example: 'node_modules/chart.js/dist/Chart.bundle.js'), search for line 12202 where you will find the following condition:

if (i === me.zeroLineIndex && options.offset === offsetGridLines) {

Replace it with this modified version:

if ((i === me.zeroLineIndex || (!isHorizontal && i === ticksLength - 1)) && options.offset === offsetGridLines) {

Afterwards, perform any necessary compression or modification of the file before incorporating it into your project.

While not perfect, this solution is one that I have devised.

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