Using CSS to overlay multiple text boxes onto an image at different positions

Can you help me solve this challenge? I have an image of a real property that will be randomly loaded into a DIV with a width of 200 pixels. The image needs to be resized to 200 pixels wide while maintaining its proportional height. Additionally, I have four different captions that need to be placed on the image:

  1. Title
  2. Price
  3. Location
  4. Surface

These captions should be positioned respectively at the top center, bottom left, bottom left, and bottom right of the picture. Here's the layout I'm looking for:

|             Title            |
|                              |
|                              |
|Price                         |
|Location               Surface|

I've tried overlaying text onto an image by using relative positioning for the div and absolute positioning for the text, but I can't seem to set individual positions for each text div regardless of how many classes I create.

Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

UPDATE: After some more digging, I managed to find a solution. Here is the code snippet I used:

<div id="stampRandom">
    <img class="stampImg" src="myphoto.jpg">
    <div class="title"><span>Title</span></div>
    <div class="price"><span>Location</span><span><br><b>Price</b></span></div>
    <div class="surface"><span><b>Surface</span></b></span></div>                  

And here's the corresponding CSS:

#stampRandom {
    position: relative;
    top: 0px;
    left: 0px;
    width: 200px;
    color: #FFF;
    font-size: 80%;

#stampRandom img {
#stampRandom div {
    position: absolute; 
    width: 200px; 
#stampRandom div span {
   background: rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.7);
.title {
.price {
.surface {

Thank you to everyone who offered their assistance! Your insights were invaluable in helping me overcome my coding roadblock and giving my project a much-needed refresh.

Answer №1

Visit this link for more information

.img-cont div{position:absolute; background:red}
.img-price{bottom:0px; left:0px;}
.img-surf{bottom:0px; right:0px;text-align:right;}
<div class="img-cont">
    <img src="/MyImage.jpg" width="200"/>
    <div class="img-title">
    <div class="img-price">
        Price Location 
    <div class="img-surf">

Explore this code snippet to enhance your understanding

Answer №2

Here is a simple demonstration of how you can achieve this task. Although it may not be flawless, it gets the job done. If you require additional assistance or would like to explore a different method, please feel free to reach out.

<div class="imageWrapper">
 <img src="" alt="1" width="250" height="200" />
 <div class="top">TOP</div>
 <div class="bot">BOT</div>
 <div class="botleft">BOTLEFT</div>
 <div class="botright">BOTRIGHT</div>

Below is a CSS snippet for styling bottom and bottom left text:

 margin:0 auto;

 margin:0 auto;

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