Blazor Shared CSS File

Currently, I have successfully implemented 2 pages in my Blazor app:

Login.razor located in the Auth folder

AddPerson.razor situated in the Profile directory

At this point, I have managed to integrate a CSS file specifically for the AddPerson.razor page.

My inquiry is centered around how I can utilize the same CSS file for both of these pages?

Answer №1

One of the key benefits of utilizing the new .NET5 CSS isolation feature (by placing a css file "below" your razor file) is that the css remains exclusive to each page/component, resulting in simplified development and better organization within the specific component.

In case you need to include some shared css that should be accessible across your application, you can revert back to "the traditional method" by updating the global css file. In the Blazor templates, this would typically involve modifying wwwroot/css/site.css for server side or wwwroot/css/app.css for client side applications.

Answer №2

Apologies for the delayed response. I have the "Web Compiler" extension installed which allows creating a .scss file to import others for definitions and more.


@import "common.scss";

.bubble {
    border-radius: 5px;
    box-shadow: $bubbleShadow; 

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