SignalR enables the display of identical dashboard data pulled from queries on various browsers. By utilizing SignalR/hub, MVC, and C#.NET, the data can

Encountering an issue with my signalr/hub while fetching dashboard data. I'm using 2 browsers to access data based on dates. However, when searching for July on browser 1 and then switching to another month on browser 2, the data in browser 1 gets updated as well. MVC

public class DashBoardBroadcaster

    private DashboardManager dashboardmanager = new DashboardManager();
    private readonly static Lazy<DashBoardBroadcaster> _instance = new Lazy<DashBoardBroadcaster>(() => new DashBoardBroadcaster());
    private readonly TimeSpan BroadcastInterval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10000);
    // Other code...

public class DashBoardHub : Hub
    private DashBoardBroadcaster _broadcaster;
    // Other code...


    $(document).ready(function () {
        $.connection.hub.qs = { "Name": "value" };


    $(document).ready(function () {

        var dashBoardHub = $.connection.dashBoardHub;
        // Other code...

Answer №1

Consider using

instead of

You can find more information about this distinction here:

The Hub class provides a Clients property with various options for communication between server and client:
All: Sends a method to all connected clients
Caller: Sends a method only to the client that triggered the hub method
Others: Sends a method to all connected clients except the one that invoked it

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