I am seeking advice on how to incorporate JavaScript to adjust slider values and add numerical values or prices. Any suggestions would

Seeking assistance with a unique project: I am currently developing a calculator that allows users to utilize sliders to select the best option for themselves across various categories.

My experience with JavaScript is limited, so I decided to reach out here. I aim to incorporate price values into each label so that it's possible to display the total pricing once the user clicks on "See Pricing."

For instance, selecting "High end" (50€) under the Style of design category and "Protein2" (5€) under the Database integration category should result in a total pricing of 55€ upon pressing the "See Pricing" button.

Therefore, my question is how can I associate different prices with these labels for user selection? And what would be the most efficient way to do this for future code modification by others?

Visual representation of my project because describing it verbally is not my forte

Progress thus far:


<form id="divination-form">
   <h2>Project price calculator</h2>
   <h4>Use the sliders below to see what your project may end up costing!</h4>
   <div class="inputbox">
      <label for="slider1">Style of designㅤ</label>
      <input type="range" min="1" max="5" id="slider1">
      <div id="slider-label1"></div>
   <div class="inputbox">
      <label for="slider2">Database integrationㅤ</label>
      <input type="range" min="5" max="8" id="slider2">
      <div id="slider-label2"></div>
   <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" id="pricing-btn">
   See Pricing
   <div id="pricing-result" class="pricing-result-container"></div>


// Javascript code goes here

This results in you only being able to see the sum of the prices for a split second after clicking on "See Prices" button, which I am trying to find a solution to- but at the moment I am more concerned with a feeling that the code might not be as convenient or clean looking if I am planning to add a lot more sliders (which means adding more labels, prices and so on)..... So, is there a better solution to all of this?

Answer №1

Welcome to the StackOverFlow community! 🥳 I empathize with your issue regarding the page refreshing when clicking the submit button.

This occurs because the form triggers a submission action, causing the page to refresh in order to send data to the backend. To resolve this issue, you can prevent the default behavior using JavaScript:

   function(event) {

Click here for further details

Another common problem that may arise is the following error message:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null

This error typically occurs when the element with the id "total-price" is missing from the HTML code. Ensure all names, classes, and ids are correctly included in the HTML before referencing them in your JavaScript code.

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