I'm having an issue where my footer is getting cut off when I resize the browser and start side scrolling. Can

I designed a webpage with a footer that contains another div holding centered content. The footer is supposed to span the entire width, while the inner content div is set to 960px with a margin auto to center it.

  <div class="footer-inner">Content</div>

Here is the CSS:

footer {float: left; min-width: 100%; background-color: #000;}

footer-inner {width: 960px; margin: 0px auto;}

The issue arises when I resize the browser and see that the footer no longer stretches across the full width but gets cut off:



If anyone can offer assistance, I would greatly appreciate it. I have already spent a lot of time researching this issue without any success, so now I turn to you for help!

Answer №1

Your webpage seems to be experiencing a issue where it is expanding to a minimum width of 1160px, possibly due to elements in your navigation or slider. As a result, using a width or min-width of 100% only expands the content across the window, including color bars like the navigation bar. This causes the footer to be less than 1160px when the window size is smaller. To ensure that the footer always stretches the full width of the site, you can modify your CSS as follows:

footer {
    width: 100%;
    min-width: 1160px;

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