Removing a jQuery class while simultaneously adding it to different elements

I am currently working on a webpage where I have a row of 6 images. The first image, when the page loads, undergoes transformations using CSS3 due to a specific class applied to it. When the user hovers over the other images in the line, the same class is applied to them as well, and then removed once the mouse moves away. However, I now need to implement a feature where if any other image is hovered over, the class is removed from the first image. If no images are being hovered over at all, the original class should be re-applied to the first image.

Below is my current progress with the code:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $("#imagePackshot li img").hover(function(){
    function () {

Answer №1

It is important to verify that there are no other images with the 'packshot' class after removing it, and if so, add it to the first image.

 $(document).ready(function() {
        var activeClass = 'packshot', images = $("#gallerySlideshow li img");
        var first = images.first().addClass(activeClass);
            // remove the class from all images who still have it, most likely only one.
            // add class to the element that was hovered.
        function () {
            // remove class from the image that was hovered out of
            // if no other images have the active class, then give it to the first image


The code provided works with a specific html structure, which makes using "siblings" inappropriate as the images are not siblings in the tree:

<ul id="gallerySlideshow">
        <a href="page9.html"><img src="thumbnails/thumb9.jpg" width="158" height="236" /></a>
        <ul id="noimg">
                <a href=""><img src="Images/more-like-this.png" /></a>

        <a href="page9.html"><img class="box2" src="thumbnails/thumb1.jpg" /></a>
        <ul id="noimg">
                <a href=""><img src="Images/more-like-this.png" /></a>

        <a href="page9.html"><img class="box" src="thumbnails/thumb3.jpg"  /></a>
        <ul id="noimg">
                <a href=""><img src="Images/more-like-this.png" /></a>

        <a href="page9.html"><img class="box1" src="thumbnails/thumb4.jpg" /></a>
        <ul id="noimg">
                <a href=""><img src="Images/more-like-this.png" /></a>

        <a href="page9.html"><img class="box3" src="thumbnails/thumb5.jpg" /></a>
        <ul id="noimg">
                <a href=""><img src="Images/more-like-this.png" /></a>

        <a href="page9.html"><img class="box4" src="thumbnails/thumb6.jpg" /></a>
        <ul id="noimg">
                <a href=""><img src="Images/more-like-this.png" /></a>

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