Why is it that styling <div> and <img> with a URL doesn't seem to work, even when applying the same styles?

In the example I have, I apply the same styling to an image and a div.

Interestingly, the styling on the div makes the image look significantly better, while on the image itself it appears distorted. What could be causing this discrepancy? Both elements are styled in the same way, yet the effect is not consistent. Take a look at the code sandbox example for more details

Answer №1

It's evident that the image is being compressed to suit the container size. To resolve this, you need to specify the "object-fit: cover;" property.

Answer №2

Setting style directly on the <img> tag has its consequences:

  1. If you set fixed dimensions, they may not match the actual image size, leading to distortion.
  2. Any background* properties will not apply because the image is not being used as a background.

On the other hand, applying style directly on the <div> element results in:

  1. You are setting fixed dimensions for the container, not the image itself.
  2. This allows the background image to extend beyond the container without distorting its proportions.

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