Would it be possible for me to adjust the CSS to center the sections?

I'm facing an issue with the layout of my website at . At the bottom, there is a navigation menu and three boxes with images. However, they are currently left-aligned instead of centered. Can anyone suggest CSS code that I can use to center them?

Here is the CSS code I have:

.row-fluid {
          display: -webkit-box;
          display: -webkit-flex;
          display: -ms-flexbox;
          display: flex;
          .textwidget {
          text-align: center

Adding the .textwidget css class fixed the alignment of the three boxes, but the navigation menu still remains left-aligned. I'm not sure which specific code affects it. Any help would be appreciated.

Answer №1

apply the text-align: center property to the specified element

Answer №2

To center the three images, apply text-align: center to the enclosing div element.

Set the table width to 100% in order to display the navigation menu correctly.

Answer №3

Flexbox operates effectively on a single level:

Both the container and child must be flexible. Therefore, it is necessary to convert the menu into a flex container as well and then use justify-content: center for the child elements.

When requiring even spacing, include flex: 1 for the child elements.

However, this approach may not integrate smoothly with your current design due to its nested structure.

Your footer essentially comprises two flexible rows stacked vertically:

  • Menu (consisting of 8 flexed columns that should be centered within the row)
  • Copyright information (comprising 2 flexed columns that appear to require space-between alignment)

Please address this issue initially so I can offer further assistance in restructuring.

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