Issue with the dimensions and proportions of the canvas

After creating a canvas with HTML and setting the ratio to 16/9 in the CSS, I specified a width of 100vw and added a border. However, I noticed that the canvas appeared larger than expected on the screen.

width: 100vw;
aspect-ratio: 16/9;
border: 5px solid red;


To address this issue, I had to adjust the size and padding accordingly.


margin: 5px;

margin-left: 3%



width: 80vw;

aspect-ratio: 16/9

border: 3px solid red;


Although this solution worked, I was hoping for a fullscreen display.


Answer №1

To ensure your canvas adjusts dynamically to window size, use this JavaScript snippet:

const myCanvas = document.querySelector("canvas");
myCanvas.width = window.innerWidth - myCanvas.offsetLeft;
myCanvas.height = window.innerHeight - myCanvas.offsetTop;

This code will set the canvas dimensions to match the window size and adjust for any other HTML elements present. Don't forget to add an event listener to update the canvas size when the window is resized:

addEventListener("resize", function(){
    myCanvas.width = innerWidth;
    myCanvas.height = innerHeight;

Remember to call any necessary functions that need to be reset, such as those involved in object generation.

Answer №2

To adjust the width of your canvas, you need to account for the border by subtracting it from the total width:

body {
  margin: 0;
  overflow: hidden;

  width: calc(100vw - 10px);
  aspect-ratio: 16/9;
  border: 5px solid red;


Check it out here:

Keep in mind that I've set the body's margin to zero. If yours is different, make sure to adjust accordingly.

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