Adjust the borderBottomColor of Material-UI TextField upon completion of input

When working with MUI to create a form, I noticed that the default TextField bottom border is grey, turns blue when focused, and then back to grey when focus is lost. My goal is to prevent it from losing the blue color after filling in the field:

I attempted the following code snippet, but unfortunately, it did not work as expected:

.MuiInput-underline:after {
    border-bottom: 2px solid rgb(17, 0, 172);

Answer №1

Resolved the issue by incorporating conditional styles into TextField using the sx prop.

      "& .MuiInput-underline::before":
        textInputValue !== ""
          ? { borderBottomColor: "blue" }
          : { borderBottomColor: "grey" },

Answer №2

New Mui version 5 response

    '& .MuiInputBase-root.MuiFilledInput-root:before': {
      borderBottomColor: 'blue',

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