Why does tagging P trigger popups in the DIV when the DIV contains another DIV?





p div{

Encountering an odd issue here. When I input the HTML structure as shown below:


The CSS code fails to produce the desired effect. You can see it for yourself on JSBIN. I'm curious to understand why this behavior occurs and if there are other similar tags with the same inconsistency. Thank you.

Answer №1

Here we are looking at the intersection of two key features in HTML.

Firstly, according to the p element's content model as specified in the documentation, it is not permitted to contain a div element within it due to being categorized under "Phrasing content".

Secondly, it should be noted that the closing tag for the p element is not mandatory. This is referred to as tag omission in the documentation linked above.

<p>    <!-- Beginning of P element -->
<div>  <!-- Start of DIV element. Implicit end of P element -->
123    <!-- Text node added here-->
</div> <!-- End of DIV element -->
</p>   <!-- Since there is no open P element, this gets discarded by the parser -->

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