Effect of Active or Focus on the HTML <ul> element

Check out this example of a UL tag:

<ul style="list-style-type:none; padding:5px ; border:solid 1px #666666;">
    <li>I am waiting </li>
    <li>I am waiting </li>
    <li>I am waiting </li>
    <li>I am waiting </li>
    <li>I am waiting </li>

Is there a way with CSS or JavaScript to change the border color of this UL when it is clicked or active? And once I click elsewhere, the effect disappears. I've tried experimenting and searching, but haven't found a satisfactory solution.

Here's a JS Fiddle demo for reference: http://jsfiddle.net/saifrahu28/YFF6P/

If a jQuery solution works better, that's fine too.

Answer №1

To create outlines on each list item, you can add a tabindex attribute to each li element. This will make them act like inputs in focus:

<ul style="list-style-type:none; padding:5px ; border:solid 1px #666666;">
    <li tabindex="1">I am waiting</li>
    <li tabindex="1">I am waiting</li>
    <li tabindex="1">I am waiting</li>
    <li tabindex="1">I am waiting</li>
    <li tabindex="1">I am waiting</li>

For a live example, visit: http://jsfiddle.net/YFF6P/2/

To customize the appearance of the outline using CSS, you can use the outline property. Here is an example with a black outline:

Example with outline: http://jsfiddle.net/YFF6P/4/

li:focus {
    outline: solid 1px black;

Answer №2

Expanding on the previous response from FAngels...

Avoid hard coding the list style to prevent the need for using !important in the CSS. Instead, adjust the tabindex of the UL element and apply a specific class to it. This way, when it receives focus, it will switch to the ul:focus item.


<ul tabindex="1" class="thisList">
    <li>I am waiting</li>
    <li>I am waiting</li>
    <li>I am waiting</li>
    <li>I am waiting</li>
    <li>I am waiting</li>



ul:focus {
    outline: solid 1px green;

.thisList { 
    list-style-type: none; 
    padding: 5px; 
    border: solid 1px #666666; 

Link to demonstration

Answer №3

li:hover, .test li:focus{border: 1px solid red;}

Is there a specific reason for avoiding the jQuery addClass() method?

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