Tips for effectively utilizing the :valid pseudo-class in Material-UI components to dynamically alter the border styling

Currently, I am attempting to adjust the border color of Mui TextFields using createTheme from Mui v5 when the input is valid. The border itself is defined within the ::before and ::after pseudoclasses. For the TextFields, I am utilizing variant="standard".

While I have successfully applied the pseudoclasses to the MuiInput by using stylesOverride to modify the input styles, this approach has not yielded the desired outcome. Specifically, when an input endAdornment is present, the bottom-border does not extend all the way to the adornment since I am only adjusting the <input styles which do not encompass the endAdornment.

If anyone could offer some assistance with this issue, it would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

Here is a potential solution that may work for you:

Unique codesandbox URL

"& input:valid + fieldset": {
    borderColor: "#E0E3E7",
    borderWidth: 1
"& input:invalid + fieldset": {
    borderColor: "red",
    borderWidth: 1
"& input:valid:focus + fieldset": {
    borderLeftWidth: 4,
    padding: "4px !important" // override inline-style

For more information and customization options, please refer to this website.

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