Is the appearance of the Select Box altered when using Opera browser?

Here is the outcome I am hoping for. It displays correctly in Chrome, IE and FF:

However, this is what I see when using Opera:

Check out the demo site:

Can anyone offer assistance?

Answer №1

To resolve the discrepancy, I adjusted the height of the input element.

Take a look at this example where the height is consistent across all browsers:

If you set the same height for both the select and input elements, they will appear identical.

After using Opera's inspect element feature, I modified the height to 14px and saw no difference in appearance.

#menu form input[type="text"] {

It's recommended to explicitly define the height for both select and input elements instead of leaving it undefined.

Answer №2

After some experimentation, I resorted to employing a less-than-ideal CSS workaround in order to specifically target the Opera browser and apply a slightly altered padding style to the select element.

x:-o-prefocus, #menu select {
 padding: 5px 2px 5px 0;

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