AngularJS does not update values properly if there is a style applied to the parent container

I'm struggling to find the best approach to handle this situation.

This is how my AngularJS code looks:
<span class="something" ng-hide="onsomecondition">

.something{ text-align:left; padding:10px;}

Issue: The value in my DOM gets updated, but it's not displaying correctly on the screen.

If I remove the class attribute, everything works fine, but then I lose my styles. Is there a way to ensure that both the style and value are updated correctly?

Thanks in advance for any advice!

Answer №1

To tackle this situation, utilize ng-class

<span ng-class="example" ng-hide="condition">

Answer №2

One way to solve this issue is by utilizing ng-bind. I encountered a similar problem that was addressed in the following question: AngularJS : Why ng-bind is better than {{}} in angular?

<span ng-bind="value" ng-hide="onsomecondition">

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