An unusual 1px variance appears in the background-image on Internet Explorer

Having trouble with a sprite of two images showing a 1px difference in ALL versions of Internet Explorer, yet working perfectly in Firefox.

Check out the demonstration here:

I'm feeling frustrated. What could be causing this inconsistency?

Take a look at the screen below when hovering in Internet Explorer (no specific version) Edit I am now considering if my installation of IE is not as solid as I believed.

Answer №1

Perhaps the issue is attributed to the sudden shift in color of the text-shadow effect.

You may have noticed that when the button is not being hovered over, the letters appear slightly bolder. This could be due to the white letters having a white border that adds to the weight of the letter. This effect doesn't occur during the hover event because the letters change color.

To achieve a smoother effect, try adding +1px on the x-axis.

If you wish to apply this change specifically for Internet Explorer, use a conditional comment:

<!--[if IE]>
.calltoActionReadMore {background-position:1px -24px}

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