The concept here is that the "h1" tag doesn't necessarily require a "class or id". It can certainly have a class or id just like any other tag. It all depends on how you want to utilize it. As previously mentioned, if you wish to apply a universal style to all your h1 tags, then you can omit the class and simply use CSS like so: h1{...}
However, if you desire specific styles for each individual "h1" tag, you can assign a class attribute to distinguish between them as shown in this example:
Assume you have two "h1" tags within your HTML code and you want to apply distinct styles to each one by assigning different colors. You can achieve this as follows:
<h1 class="first-header">Hello World1</h1>
<h1 class="second-header">Hello World2</h1>
By implementing the above CSS rules, your first h1 tag will be displayed in red text and the second in blue.