In Chrome browser, the orientation of the options in the datalist remains consistent

Is there a way to change the direction of the datalist's options to RTL?

While I'm able to change the direction of the input element, the same doesn't apply to the options of the datalist.

I've attempted setting the dir attribute to rtl, but it had no effect.

I also experimented with different styles that typically work for the select element, yet none of them seem to impact the direction of the datalist.

<input list="myData" dir="rtl">
<datalist id="myData" dir="rtl" style="direction: rtl !important">
  <option value="first_value">Some RTL Description</option>
  <option value="another_value">Another Thing Here</option>
  <option value="first_second_third">More Stuff</option>

Answer №1

This solution has been successful for me on the latest version of Chrome (84.3). When I choose an option from the dropdown menu in your code, the text appears aligned to the right. However, when I try to type something, the text is entered from right to left. It could be a compatibility issue with your browser.

If you are experiencing issues with the text not displaying right to left in the dropdown menu, you may need to align your text using "text-align:right;" in the input field where you enter text.

Consider adding the following line instead of your standard <html> opening tag:

<html dir="rtl" lang="ar">

Keep in mind that the datalist element may not be fully supported in all browsers, and Chrome may have trouble with right-to-left formatting in this particular element.

By changing the tag name of the element, right-to-left formatting should work in all browsers. The moment you use the datalist element, things can behave strangely, especially in Chrome. Interestingly, Firefox seems to handle it perfectly despite Chrome being touted as the browser that "fully supports it."

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