Eliminate the empty gap preceding the slideshow

I have a slideshow and aside content in HTML.

My goal is to eliminate the space below the slideshow so that the aside content can be positioned right next to the end of the slideshow.

Unfortunately, I am unsure how to remove this space without disrupting the slideshow when adding margin values. What should I do differently?

You can view the current setup here

Is there a specific solution for achieving this layout adjustment?

<div class="skdslider">
    <ul id="demo1" class="slides">
            <img src="slides/1.jpg" />
            <div class="slide-desc">
                <h2>Slider Title 1</h2>
                <p>Demo description here. Demo description here. Demo description here. Demo description here. Demo description here. <a class="more" href="#">more</a></p>
        <li><img src="slides/2.jpg" />
            <div class="slide-desc">
                <h2>Slider Title 2</h2>
                <p>Demo description here. Demo description here. Demo description here. Demo description here. Demo description here. <a class="more" href="#">more</a></p>
        // Slide data continues

<aside class="top-sidebar">

// More aside content follows

Answer №1

To solve the issue, you should eliminate the padding in the following code snippet:

.skdslider:after {
    content: '';
    /* padding-top: 50%; */ 
    display: block;

Additionally, apply a min-height to the element like this:

 position: relative;
 display: block;
 min-height: 558px; /**For creating space for the slider**/

You can view the demo here

Answer №2

The space between the slider and your aside section is due to the top margin on the h2 heading inside the aside. To resolve this issue, simply adjust the CSS as follows:

aside h2 {
    margin-top: 0;

The excessive gap at the bottom of your slider is caused by this particular style rule:

.skdslider:after {
    padding-top: 50%;

To correct this, remove the padding-top property entirely and include the following:

.skdslider {
    height: ...;

You will need to specify the desired height for your slider by replacing the ... placeholder with your preferred value.

View the JSFiddle demo here.

Answer №3

To eliminate excess white space, consider adding a max-height attribute to the skdslider style. You can view an example on JSFiddle.

     position: relative;
     display: block;
    max-height: 403px;

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