Chrome compatibility issue with margin collapsing

I'm currently working on a website and encountering a CSS issue. It appears fine in Firefox, but has some odd layout problems in Chrome. I would appreciate any assistance on how to resolve this issue.

On the main page, if you scroll down, you'll notice 3 paragraphs. They display correctly in FF, however in Chrome, the header line is getting mixed with the first paragraph.

Please help me find a solution for this.

<div style="color: white;font-size: 14px;margin: 0 0 30px 0;padding: 0;position: absolute;text-align: left;top: 780px;width: 960px; display:block;">
     Promotional Models | Photographic Models | Bikini Models | Lingerie Models | Model Competitions| Sporting Events | Dancer’s | Cheerleaders | Card Girls | Grid Girls |Poker Nights | Promo Girls | Karaoke + more

The CSS for the paragraphs is as follows:

#xtra-paragraph {
    color: #DBDBDB;
    font-size: 13px;
    line-height: 16px;
    margin-bottom: 60px;
    margin-top: 35px;
    display: block;

#xtra-paragraph p {
    text-align: left;

Answer №1

By absolutely positioning it, you are preventing the browser from allocating space for it if it were statically positioned.

To create more space, adjust the following CSS:

#additional-paragraph {
   margin-top: 50px;

Alternatively, consider placing the HTML content where it logically belongs and keeping it positioned as static by default.

Answer №2

Even in Firefox, there seems to be an issue. Try adjusting the inline CSS of the div element by changing top:780px; to top:760px;

Answer №3

I found that adjusting the "top: 780px;" in the div style to "top: 770px;" worked perfectly for me.

Answer №4

To the social class in the HTML code, remove the "float:left" property.

In the same section of the code, apply the "float:left" property to the div element.

Various models like Promotional Models, Photographic Models, Bikini Models, Lingerie Models, and more are included in this category.

Adjust the margin-top value for the paragraph with id xtra-paragraph.


I ran a speed test using Yslow! Your site scored a 65 in overall performance, which is quite slow. Consider optimizing the theme code for better efficiency.

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