Trouble with placing an absolutely positioned element using Tailwindcss

I am currently working on a project using TailwindCSS in which I have a logo positioned to the left and navigation to the right. Both elements are centered, but because the logo has a position of absolute, it appears in front of the navigation. I would like them to be displayed side by side. I am utilizing flex for this layout, but I am unsure if using grid might provide a better solution.

For reference, you can view the Tailwind Playground.

Answer №1

The easiest fix is to add padding-right to the logo element.

Make this modification...

<span class="logo flex items-center">...</span> the following.

<span class="logo flex items-center pr-10">...</span>

Take a look at the demo.

Answer №2

In my opinion, the most effective solution would be to insert the logo within the <ul>...</ul> tags as an additional list item (<li>). This way, it will always appear beside your homepage link without any overlap issues. To achieve this, you'll need to specify the width of the image in the <li> element.

For a visual representation, check out this example:

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