Automatically scroll to the end of the data retrieved through ajax

I am currently developing a live chat website for my users and I am using ajax to fetch the chat messages. However, I am facing an issue where whenever I enter a new message, it does get added to the database and displayed, but the scroll doesn't automatically go to the bottom of the results.

For example, when I input a new message, the scroll fails to reach the bottom.

If I manually scroll, then all the messages become visible.

Here is the HTML div where the data is fetched via ajax:

<div id="chat">


I have tried using this code snippet to resolve the issue, however, it did not work as expected:

  var elem = document.getElementById('chat');
  elem.scrollTop = elem.scrollHeight;
}, 1000);

I would appreciate any suggestions on the best approach to achieve the desired result.

Answer №1

I went above and beyond the requirements, but here is my response. Please take note that I omitted the AJAX function and instead utilized the initial message as a template, replicating it to simulate new messages from AJAX. To integrate your AJAX function, replace $('#msg-template').clone()... with it, and ensure that the completion function following AJAX includes: if(autoScroll){ ScrollChat(); }.

The accompanying fiddle includes comments along with some HTML and CSS examples:

var autoScroll = true;

function ScrollChat(){

function RefreshMessages(){
    if(autoScroll){ ScrollChat(); }
setInterval(RefreshMessages, 1000);


$('#chat').on('scroll', function(){
    if($(this).scrollTop() < this.scrollHeight - $(this).height()){
        autoScroll = false;
        autoScroll = true;

Answer №2

To adjust the scroll position of the main element (or the element containing the scrollbar):

<div id="wrapper">

  <div id="content">




  var box = document.getElementById('wrapper');
  box.scrollTop = box.scrollHeight;
}, 1000);

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