Hiding an element with display: none will prevent the hover effect from

I have integrated a CSS dropdown menu from this link: https://www.w3schools.com/css/tryit.asp?filename=trycss_dropdown_button

Additionally, I am utilizing jQuery .on("click", event with an AJAX call. Following the successful AJAX call, I am using the following jQuery code to close the dropdown:

success: function(data){
$(".dropdown-content").css("display", "none"); 

The functionality works well as the dropdown disappears upon clicking. However, I have encountered an issue where other dropdowns lose their hover popup feature and are no longer displayed. How can I modify the code to only hide the open dropdown without deactivating the hover popup after the hiding effect?

Answer №1

Have you considered assigning unique IDs to all your .dropdown-content elements? By capturing which button was clicked and storing the ID in a variable, you can then easily hide the specific dropdown.

var clicked = "";
$('.your-targets').click(function(e) {
   clicked = e.target.id;

You can now utilize the clicked variable to perform actions.

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