Is it possible to update the text within a button when hovering over it in Angular?

I'm looking to update the text displayed inside a button when hovering over it, similar to the examples in these images. I have already implemented the active state, but now I just need to change the text content.

   type="submit" class="btn"
   *ngFor="let available of availableTime; let i = index"
    {{ available.value }} 

Answer №1

One suggestion could be to incorporate the use of mouseover and mouseout events with a button element. To implement this in your HTML template, you would need to include the following code:

<button (mouseover)="changeButtonText()" (mouseout)="resetButtonText()">
  {{ buttonText }}

Furthermore, within the TypeScript component:

export class ExampleComponent {
  buttonText: string = 'Initial text';

  changeButtonText() {
    this.buttonText = 'New text - Hover';

  resetButtonText() {
    this.buttonText = 'Initial text';

Answer №2

design a CSS style for when the button is hovered over

.hover-text {
  color: #fff;

Next, in your component, create a variable to hold the text that will appear during the hover state:

hoverText = "Book Now";

then utilize the ngClass directive to implement the CSS style on the button when it is being hovered over and change the text to the specified variable

   *ngFor="let available of availableTime; let i = index"
   [ngClass]="{'hover-text': isHovered}"
   (mouseover)="isHovered = true"
   (mouseout)="isHovered = false"
    {{ isHovered ? hoverText : available.value}} 

whenever the mouse hovers over the button, the "hover-text" class will be activated and the text within the button will transition to the content of the "hoverText" variable

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