Conceal one object when the other is revealed?

Is there a way to hide the element with the class .close-button while showing another element with the ID #loading-animation? Can jQuery conditionals help achieve this?

For example:

if ($('#loading-animation').is(':visible')) {

The code snippet I tried didn't work as expected. How can I correctly format it?

Answer №1

Make sure to utilize the complete callback feature of show( [time] [, done ] )

 $('#loading-spinner').show(150, function(){

Remember that all animations in jQuery come with a done callback option

Further information: show() Documentation

Answer №2

If you have a CSS-based animation (such as CSS transitions),

You can listen for the end of the transition event using this code:

$("#loading-animation").on("transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd", function(event){ 
    //This will execute when the CSS transitions on #loading-animation finish

Alternatively, you can animate using jQuery's animate function:

    //Perform your transitions here
    //This will run once the animation is complete

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